Campaign Reporting, Smart Refresh, Brand Safety (and AdX pays for it all*)
Just in time for Q4, Oracle exits the advertising ecosystem leaving publishers scrambling to find a replacement at the busiest time of year.
With Optimera, publishers have always had the ability to target in-view inventory to the ad slot level, ensuring that Viewability KPIs are met. Because Optimera measures the measurement vendors, all vendors validate our targeting capabilities. Campaign KPIs are met the first time, every time, without inventory constraining tactics like aggressive lazy loading.
Optimera’s Smart Refresh Solution relies on Viewability and Time-In-View data from every pageview to refresh Direct, Programmatic, and Open Exchange inventory.
Our Brand Safety solution enables campaign optimization to inventory that third party measurement vendors will deem safe and is effective for Direct Sold, Programmatic Deals, and Open Exchange.
With a single implementation and contract, Optimera seamlessly replaces Moat capabilities at a fraction of the cost.
Introducing Optimera’s Direct Sold Campaign Performance Dashboard giving publishers the capability to measure the following enhanced campaign metrics:
- Hover %
- Time until hover (seconds)
- In-view time (seconds)
- Total exposure time (hours)
- Total ad dwell time (hours)
- In-view %
- Ad dwell time (seconds)
- Click %
- Measured impressions
Metrics are available by GAM Order, Line Item, Creative, Advertiser, Domain, and Country.
Advanced Metrics Dashboard
Includes a customizable time period, controls, all of the metrics listed above, and a detailed chart reflecting the findings to narrow down data.
Controls include:
- AdvertiserId
- CampaignId
- LineItemId
- CreativeId
- Domain
- Country

Optimera Network Benchmarks
This feature offers a comparison, benchmarking your site’s in-view %, in-view time, hover %, time until hover (seconds), ad dwell time (seconds), and click % to the entire Optimera Network. Optimera Network Benchmarks also provides publishers with the ability to look at a single campaign and compare it to the available benchmarks.

The Direct Sold Campaign Performance Dashboard also includes a campaign summary as a quick way to pull and present data.
Interested in learning more about Optimera’s Direct Sold Campaign Performance Dashboard? Fill out the form below and Optimera will schedule a time to discuss a free trial.
*Optimera’s AdX optimization validates targeting capabilities and drives CPM differentiation that results in revenue lift each month. Typically, the incremental revenue surpasses the Optimera service fee.
- Optimera’s viewability key values are applied to publisher’s GAM
- Corresponding % viewable line items are created in the publisher’s AdX.
Example Results:

Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below and we will schedule a time to talk!