2023 Recap

Targeted Ad Delivery for Direct Sold and Programmatic Deals
Quality content creators put Optimera’s publisher technology to work to increase their revenue and improve advertiser outcomes.
In 2023 Optimera’s partners targeted:
1,641,129,762 impressions to achieve Direct Sold KPIs

= $26,945,947.03 in publisher revenue

Optimize toward quality
As 2024 begins with the signal loss from #chromegeddon, advertisers have yet to rally around any particular metric in the place of cookies. In lieu of data rich cookies, buyers are focused on quality. Quality impressions are in-view, receive clicks, are among brand safe, and contextually relevant content.
Publishers use Optimera key value targeting to intelligently segment ad inventory to satisfy all ad measurement vendors and automatically meet advertiser KPIs for: Viewability, CTR, Brand Safety, Attention, and Contextual relevancy.

Get more from the open exchange
The intelligent targeting capabilities that enable publishers to meet advertiser KPIs double as automated, open exchange ad revenue optimizations.
Use case #1: AdX Optimization
By offering the AI algorithms opportunities to buy impressions segmented by viewability, CPM differentiation naturally occurs. Pools of highly viewable/performant inventory fetch the highest CPMs, while buyers that can only afford your least valuable inventory have a way to be on your site. With Optimera, your AdX inventory is priced right for every type of buyer driving both publisher CPM and publisher revenue increases and fill rate.

Aggregation of your inventory results in the buying algorithms making decisions based on averages. Consider a site/network with 50% viewability where AdX pays a $1.00 CPM. For every 1,000 impressions, 500 are NOT viewable. What would the buying algorithms pay for 600, 700, 800, 900 viewable impressions of every 1,000? On average, Optimera partners see a 20% CPM increase via our AdX revenue optimization.
Use case #2 Dynamic Flooring
Dynamic floor pricing is an impossible manual task. Optimera’s automated solution creates dynamic floors across all inventory at unlimited levels of granularity, free from UI limitations and manual intervention and is the optimal flooring solution. Dynamic flooring considers each pageview by device, operating system, browser, and more.. Dynamic Flooring works to control the SSP win rate, with each impression the solution learns, creating a dynamic CPM bid floor at the right time, every time. Right price flooring!
In 2023, publishers that put Dynamic Flooring to work realized:
CPM increases of: 10% – 16%
Revenue lift of: $4,308,646.26

Meet your metrics. Raise your revenue. Elevate your efforts.